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Specialist milks from birth

In the early days, your little one’s tiny tummy is still getting used to digesting milk. While some babies get to grips with feeding and filling their nappies pretty quickly, it’s not that straightforward for everyone1. Common feeding-related problems include reflux2, colic3 or constipation4. You know your little one best, if you suspect your baby might be experiencing any feeding-related issues, please contact your healthcare professional first.

Cow & Gate Anti-Reflux formula from birth

• A thickened formula with carob bean gum to help the milk stay down in your little one’s tummy

• Designed to help manage reflux and regurgitation2

• Nutritionally complete breastmilk substitute

This information is intended for healthcare professionals to use with parents or carers who require Cow & Gate Anti-Reflux formula

A woman stood in her bathroom looking at her mobile phone
What is reflux & regurgitation?

Reflux and regurgitation is when your little one brings up milk, and/or is sick, during or just after feeding. It’s very common and usually will get better on its own. Other symptoms can include coughing or hiccupping when feeding, being unsettled during feeding, swallowing or gulping after burping or feeding and crying and not settling. Sometimes babies may have signs of reflux but will not bring up milk or be sick. This is known as silent reflux. If you think your little one might be experiencing reflux, please contact your healthcare professional2.

If your baby has been diagnosed by your healthcare provider, then below are some top tips to help manage the symptoms:

• Feed your baby little and often – smaller amounts of milk are more manageable for tiny tummies

• Take your time – babies with reflux don’t cope well if feeding happens too quickly

• Try to keep your baby upright during and after feeding

• Try winding your baby before and after feeds

• Avoid bouncing your baby up and down after a feed

Cow & Gate Careline

Cow & Gate Comfort formula from birth

• For the dietary management of colic and constipation

• Made with a blend of tailored ingredients including galactooligosaccharides and fructo-oligosaccharides (GOS/FOS), reduced lactose and partially hydrolysed whey proteins

• Nutritionally complete breastmilk substitute

This information is intended for healthcare professionals to use withparents or carers who require Cow & Gate Comfort formula. All babies are different and it can take up to 2-3 weeks for this product to have an effect.

A man and woman sat down at a table with their arms around each other, looking at a laptop
What is colic & constipation?

Colic is when a baby cries a lot but there’s no obvious reason as to why. Of course, most babies cry, but your baby may have colic if they are crying for more than 3 hours a day, 3 days a week for at least a week, but otherwise are healthy. Other symptoms include clenched fists and legs pulled up to their tummy, flushed face and excess gas.

If you think your little one may have colic, please contact your healthcare professional first3.

Constipation is when it’s more difficult for your little one to have a poo and is common when they start taking first infant milk formula, which is harder to digest than breast milk, or when eating different foods as their body is learning to digest new things. It may also be caused by dehydration. Some more symptoms include infrequent hard stools (less than 3 a week), straining and crying when pooing, and a tummy that is firm to touch and excess gas4.

If your little one has been diagnosed with colic and/or constipation by a healthcare professional, below are some top tips to help manage the symptoms:


• Wind your baby halfway through feeding, as well as at the end of each feed. Ask your Health Visitor to show you different winding techniques

• Gently rub their back and tummy in a clockwise direction

• Try to sit your baby upright whilst they are feeding


• Make sure they have plenty to drink. If you’re breastfeeding, offer water between feeds. If you’re formula feeding, check you’re using the right amount of powder

• Try baby massage: Try rubbing their tummy in a clockwise direction using smooth, circular motions.

Or lay your baby on their back and gently move their legs in a cycling motion


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Breastfeeding is best. Cow & Gate Anti-Reflux and Cow & Gate Comfort are foods for special medical purposes. They should only be used under medical supervision, after full consideration of the feeding options available including breastfeeding. Cow & Gate Anti-Reflux is used for the dietary management of reflux and regurgitation. It is suitable for use as the sole source of nutrition for infants from birth and as part of a balanced diet from 6-12 months. This product should not be used in combination with antacids or other thickeners and is not suitable for premature infants. Cow & Gate Comfort is used for the dietary management of colic and constipation. It is suitable for use as the sole source of nutrition for infants from birth and as part of a balanced diet from 6-12 months. Refer to label for details.

1 NHS Bedfordshire Community Health Services, Early Days: your baby & you, 2022 [Online]. Available at:

2 NHS, Reflux in Babies [Online]. Accessed on 15 August 2023. Available at:

3 NHS, Colic [Online]. Accessed on 15 August 2023. Available at:

4 NHS Start for Life, Constipation and bottle feeding [Online]. Accessed on 15th of August 2023. Available at:

*2021 consumer panel, 95% of 112 UK parents who tried New Cow & Gate Follow-on milk would recommend.

**Calcium and Vitamin D support normal bone development. Use Toddler Milk as part of a varied diet from 1 year.